Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How to Put Ads at the End of Every Post in Blogger

If you want to maximize your opportunity to monetize your Blogger Blog, then you want ads to appear at the end of each post automatically.  You can use this process for advertising venue but I'm going to use Commission Junction affiliate ads as my example. 

NOTE: You may not want to use Google Adsense for this because Google Limits you to 3 ad sets per page.  If you show more than 3 posts per page or have adsense in other places on your website, you will exceed your limit.  If not, then you could use Adsense too.

Go to Commission Junction and set up an account. Apply to all the programs that are related to your subject matter and put 125x125 buttons for those programs into a SmartZone. Then get the code.

Go into your Blogger Template, select Edit HTML, click the Expand Widget Template Box.

Click once in the html box. Hold CTRL and press F.

In the box that appears paste:

And click next.

This will find that section of text in your template. Once you found it you can close the pop up search box.

At the end of the line you just searched for, press enter

Paste the Commission Junction code there.

This will put a rotating banner of Commission Junction ads at the end of each post. Then if you ever want to change which programs you are advertising you just change the programs in the Smart Zone within Commission Junction. You never have to mess with your template again.


Steve Borgman said...

I am just wondering how you would implement this without making your blog look too cluttered. I welcome your suggestions.

Me said...

That's a great question! It would depend a bit on the format of the ads you chose to use, but surprisingly, it doesn't look too bad.

Here is one of my blogs where I've done it with Commission Junction:

Astetically, the ads actually add some color to the page and help break up the text.

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